Sherwin Chen
by Sherwin Chen
8 min read


Synchronizing concurrent operations

Waiting for an event or other condition

std::condition_variable is used to block a thread until another thread modifies a shared variable and notifies(via .notify_one) the conditional_variable. std::condition_variable only works with std::unique_lock<std::mutex>. To work with other locks, use std::condition_variable_any instead.

The following example shows how to use condition_variable

std::mutext m;
std::queue<data_type> dq
std::condition_variable cond;
void generate_data() {
  while (has_data()) {
    auto data = prepare_data();
      std::lock_guard l(m);
    cond.notify_one();	// notifies waiting thread(s)
void process_data() {
  while(true) {
    std::unique_lock l(m);
    cond.wait(lk, []{return !dq.empty();});	// unlock, until receiving notification from another thread.
    auto data = dq.front();

Note that the waiting thread may wake multiple times and the predicate ([]{return !dq.empty();} in the above example) may be invoked multiple times depending on the underlying implementation. Therefore, it is advisable to not use a function with side effects as the predicate.

When several threads are waiting for the same event, and all of them need to respond, use .notify_all to notify all threads.

Waiting for one-off events with futures

std::future is ready when the associated event sends its result to the future or finished unexpectedly.

std::future is only moveable and can only call .get() once to retrieve the value.

std::shared_future is copyable and can call .get() multiple times.

Returning values from background tasks

If the waiting thread is going to wait only once, a conditional variable might not be the best choice of synchronization mechanism. This is where futures come into play.

When we want to execute some task and retrieve the return latter, we can use std::async(callable), which runs callable and returns a future object. By default, the launch policy is std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred, which means that std::async may or may not run callable asynchronously depending the library implementation. One can explicitly specify policy to std::launch::async to force callable into running a different thread.

Associating a task with a future

std::packaged_task<> wraps an callable so that it can be invoked asynchronously or synchronously depending on where the task is called. Different from std::async, std::packaged_task does not starts a new thread on its own. Instead, it returns a task object, which can be passed to another thread and invoked from there. The original thread may hold a feature from std::packaged_task<>::get_future() so that it can retrieve the result of callable whenever appropriate.

ThreadSafeQueue<std::packaged_task<int()>> task_queue;	// thread safe queue, which handles locks inside
void task_execution_thread() {
  bool x = true;
	while (x) {	// for debugging purpose, we only execute this loop once
    auto task = task_queue.pop();	// Returns the front task and removes it from queue. Waits if task_queue is empty
    task();	// execute task
    x = false;

template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
std::future<ReturnType> post_task(std::function<ReturnType(Args...)> f) {
  std::packaged_task<ReturnType(Args...)> task(f);
  std::future res = task.get_future();
  task_queue.push(std::move(task));   // packaged_task is not copyable
  return res;

Making (std::)promises

std::promise provides a facility to store a value(e.g., .set_value()) or an exception(e.g., .set_exception) that is later acquired asynchronously via a std::future object created by the std::promise object.

void working_thread(std::promise<bool> p) {
  std::cout << "do some work\n";
int main() {
  std::promise<bool> done_promise;
  auto done_future = done_promise.get_future();
  std::thread t(working_thread, std::move(done_promise));

Saving an exception for the future

std::promise provides a way to store exception through .set_exception(). One may set exception in the try...catch block when an exception is throw:

try {
  throw SomeException();
catch(...) {

Or store a new exception without throwing


The latter should be preferred if the type of the exception is known; not only does it simplifies code, but it also provides the compiler with greater opportunity to optimize the code.

A future stores an exception when std::promise and std::packaged_task associated with the future are destroyed without calling either the set_\* functions or invoking the packaged task.

Waiting from multiple threads

Accessing a single std::share_future object from multiple threads is not safe and requires protection mechanism such as locks. It’s better to pass a copy of the std::shared_future object to each thread, so each thread can access its own local std::shared_future object safely, as the internals are now correctly synchronized by the library.

std::shared_future instances are usually constructed from

  1. std::future instance via move constructor, which transfers the ownership of the synchronous state from std::future to std::shared_future: std::shared_future sf = std::future;
  2. .get_future() member function of std::promise and std::packaged_task as the transfer of ownership is implicit for rvalues: std::shared_future sf = some_promise.get_future();
  3. .share() member function of std::future: auto sf = some_future.share()

Waiting with a time limit


Specifically, a clock is a class that provides four distinct pieces of information:

  • The time now
  • The type of the value used to represent the times obtained from the clock
  • The tick period of the clock
  • Whether or not the clock ticks at a uniform rate and is therefore considered to be a steady clock


std::chrono::duration<> specifies a time interval. It can be used with .*_for() member functions.

Time points

std::chrono::time_point<> represents a point in time. It’s the return type of std::chrono::system_clock::now and can be used with .*_until() member functions.

Functions that accept timeouts

Class/Namespace Functions Return Values
std::this_thread sleep_for(), sleep_until N/A
std::condition_variable, std::condition_variable_any wait_for, wait_until std::cv_status::timeout, std::cv_status::no_timeout
std::timed_mutex, std::recursive_timed_mutex,std::shared_timed_mutex try_lock_for, try_lock_until bool
std::shared_timed_mutex try_lock_shared_for, try_lock_shared_until bool
std::unique_lock<timed_mutex>, std::shared_lock<shared_timed_mutex> try_lock_for, try_lock_until bool
std::future, std::shared_future wait_for, wait_until std::future_status::timeout, std::future_status::ready, std::future_status::deferred

Using synchronization of operations to simplify code

Synchronizing operations with message passing

Communicating Sequential Processes have no shared data; all communication is passed through the message queues. Each thread is therefore a state machine: when it receives a message, it updates its state and maybe sends one or more message to other threads. Note that “state” here is not necessarily some variable; it can be some function that instructs what to do next. For example, the ATM example provided in Section 4.4.2 treats a member function as the state of the logic thread; the logic thread repeatedly calls the state and may switch the state based on the new message received.

Continuation-style concurrency with the Concurrency TS

std::experimental::future has a member function then, which spawns a new thread to do following-up tasks when the current std::experiment::future is ready. The following-up task should be a function that takes as input a future of previous return(e.g., std::future<int> if the previous task returns a int. Note that it’s std::future rather than std::experimental::future). std::experimental::future is not compatible with std::future and is obtained from the corresponding functions in std::experimental, such as std::experimental::promise.

Waiting for more than one future

When there’s a series of tasks running in parallel and you want to retrieve them when they are all done and do some following-up tasks, one may try to call .get() member function of the corresponding futures one by one either synchronously in the current thread or asynchronously in a new thread as follows.

std::async([all_results=std::move(task_futures)] {
  std::vector<DataType> v;
  for (auto& f: all_results) {
  return do_some_thing(v);

Either way, there will be a thread waiting for each task and repeatedly being woken up as each result become available. Not only does this occupy the thread doing the waiting, bu it adds additional context switches as each future becomes ready.

With std::experimental::when_all, this waiting and switching can be avoided. It accepts a set of futures to be waited on and returns a new future that becomes ready when all the futures are ready. The following code demonstrates an example

std::experimental::when_all(task_futures.begin(), task_futures.end())
	.then([](auto f) {// we use auto to deduce the type: std::future<std::vector<std::experimental::future<DataType>>>
  std::vector ready_futures = f.get();
  std::vector<DataType> v;
  for (auto& f: all_results) {
    v.push_back(f.get());	// will not block
  return do_some_thing(v);

Waiting for the first future in a set with when_any

std::experimental::when_any creates a future that becomes ready when at least one of the input futures become ready. It returns a structure when_any_result<>, which contains two members:

  1. futures contains all input futures
  2. index is the index of ready future

An example of retrieving the ready future is given below

  std::vector<std::expeirmental::future<DataType>>> result_of_when_any;
auto results = result_of_when_any.get();
DataType = results.futures[results.index].get();	// retrieve data


A latch is a synchronization object that becomes ready when its counter is decremented to zero. It’s useful when you are waiting for a set of threads to reach a particular point in code.

const thread_count = max(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 2);
std::latch done(thread_count);
DataType data[thread_count];
std::vector<std::future<void>> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
  threads.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [&, i]{
    data[i] = make_data(i);
    done.count_down();	// counts down the latch
done.wait();	// waits on the latch
process_data(data);	// processes data. Threads may not be completed


A barrier is a reusable synchronization component used for internal synchronization between a set of threads. When threads arrive at the barrier(at the point of calling .arrive_and_wait()), they block until all of the threads involved have arrived at the barrier, at which point they are all released.

// data objects
DataSource source;
DataSinc sink;
std::vector<DataChunk> chunks;
std::vector<DataChunk> results;

constexpr thread_count = max(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 2);
std::barrier sync(thread_count);
std::vector<std::future<void>> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
  threads.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [&, i]{
    while (!source.done()) {
      if (!i) {
        chunks = source.get_data();	// get data in thread with i == 0
      sync.arrive_and_wait();	// all threads wait for chunks to be ready
      results[i] = process(chunks[i]);
      sync.arrive_and_wait();	// waits for all threads to finish their processing
      if (!i) {


std::experimental::flex_barrier add a completion function object to the completion phase where all threads arrive at the barrier. The completion function is run on one thread after all threads have arrived and returns a number indicating the number of participating threads in the next cycle (\(-1\) indicates the set of participating threads is unchanged).

// data objects
DataSource source;
DataSinc sink;
std::vector<DataChunk> chunks;
std::vector<DataChunk> results;

auto split_source = [&] {
  if (!source.done) {
    chunks = source.get_data();
split_source();	// prepare chunks

constexpr thread_count = max(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 2);
std::flex_barrier sync(thread_count, [&] {
  return -1;	// the number of participating threads remains unchanged
std::vector<std::future<void>> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
  threads.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [&, i]{
    while (!source.done()) {
      results[i] = process(chunks[i]);
      sync.arrive_and_wait();	// waits for all threads to finish their processing, and 


Williams, Anthony. 2019. C++ Concurrency in Action, 2nd Edition.