Sherwin Chen
by Sherwin Chen
~1 min read


advanced thread management

Thread pools

Avoiding contention on the work queue

Sharing a single work queue/stack between threads increases contention and cache ping-pong. One way to avoid such overheads is to use a separate queue per thread. This can be achieved with resort to thread_local specifier, which ensures that the object has thread storage duration.

Interrupting threads

C++20 introduces std::jthread for stoppable threads. std::jthread can be stopped by calling .request_stop(). Furthermore, .request_stop() is automatically invoked when std::jthread is destroyed if the task has not finished.

Launching and interrupting another thread

One way to interrupt another thread is to define an atomic Boolean variable and have that thread constantly check this variable. If it is true, throw an exception indicating that the thread is interrupt.


Williams, Anthony. 2019. C++ Concurrency in Action, 2nd Edition.