Discussion on AlphaStar, the first agent that achieves Grandmaster level in the full game of StarCraft II
OpenAI Five
Discussion on OpenAI Five, an agent that achieves super-human performance in Dota 2
Discussion on Go-Explore, a family of algorithms designed for hard-exploration games
GAIL ā Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
A concise theoretical analysis of GAIL
FTW ā For The Win
Discussion on an agent, namely For The Win(FTW), that achieves human-level performance in a popular 3D team-based multiplayer first-person video game.
Discussion on MuZero, a successor of AlphaZero, that not only masters chess games but also achieves state-of-the-art performance on Atari games
Discussion on AlphaZero, an agent that achieves super-human performance in chess, shogi and Go
Discussion on Multi-Agent PPO, which includes a few tricks when applying PPO to multi-agent environments
QMIX and Some Tricks
Discussion on QMIX and some tricks on QMIX.
NCC ā Neighborhood Cognition Consistent Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Discussion on NCC, a cooperative MARL method that takes into account neighborhood cognitive consistency.